Take online courses to start working in crisis assessment, 干预, 辅导策略, 项目评估和拨款撰写
Gain knowledge and practice to help today’s most vulnerable populations
我们的课程, guided by a strong emphasis on issues of social justice and human rights, will prepare you to address the needs of a range of diverse communities, 组, 我们社会中的家庭和个人. 我们专注于危机干预以及解决问题,并通过建立您的知识基础和最佳实践技能来改善所有人的整体生活质量.
通过核心课程, 您将了解理论与研究之间的联系及其在分析和政策制定中的应用. 一旦你获得了初级或高级职位, 我们将帮助您找到社区机构实习,以获得实用技能,并建立您的专业简历和网络. 最后一年的课程回顾了这一重要领域的职业行为道德标准,该领域每天都面临着挑战性的新要求.
This course addresses basic social service structures, 无论是公共的还是私人的,因为他们为家庭服务, 个人, 社区来满足市民的需求. The field of human services as a profession will be examined. The nature of how to build a professional helping relationship will be examined, 以及在帮助职业中避免沮丧和倦怠的技巧和技巧. 学生将研究个人价值观以及这些价值观将如何影响人类服务事业. 4个学分
This path is part of Simpson College's convenient and 灵活的在线课程, which enables you to complete four to eight credits every eight weeks.
As an adult student in our undergraduate 人类服务 program, 你可以期待从教师、学术和职业顾问那里得到与在传统环境中相同的个性化关注. 你会有一个一对一的指导老师,他会帮助你保持正轨,并确保你选对了课程, 以你的职业目标为中心.
你会分析社会力量, policies and human service delivery systems at the micro and macro levels, 同时通过案例研究和实际工作经验将理论应用于具体情况. This major is part of our Department of Sociology and 刑事司法, 这意味着你还将学习如何揭示和阐明为什么权力和不平等问题在美国.S. 影响群体之间的社会关系.
完成学士学位后, 你将为研究生学习或在人类服务领域的入门级工作做好准备,与经历危机的边缘化人群一起工作.
Students in this program are eligible for federal financial aid, 我们允许学生获得雇主报销的免息宽限期.
Watch as students who have experienced the program, 他们的教授, explain why Simpson is a great place to study 人类服务.
We value the work you've already done and think it should count toward your degree. If you’re at least 25 years of age and classified as a freshman or sophomore at Simpson, you can submit a Life Experience Portfolio during the admissions process. LEP最多可以获得24个学分, which you can use to meet the 150-hour requirement for CPA exam eligibility.
Many employers reimburse their employees’ tuition after a class has been completed, and we offer the chance to delay payment until 45 days after the term ends. 直到课程结束后你才需要付钱.
在申请过程中, 如果适用,您将提交其他认可机构以前的本科工作成绩单. Transcripts are then evaluated to determine how many credits will transfer, as well as how your former coursework meets Simpson’s degree requirements.