
为了我们所有社区成员的安全, the Simpson COVID Management Team (CMT) has continued to monitor the evolving COVID-19 data and trends to carefully consider what protocols are most appropriate at this time.


Students who receive a positive COVID-19 测试 result are to 通知卫生服务部门. Faculty and staff who receive a positive COVID-19 测试 result are to 通知米米·巴特利-南卡罗我是人力资源总监.

Templates will be provided to help those who 测试 positive notify close contacts.

此时,校园口罩的使用是可选的. The College will continue to monitor COVID-19 cases on campus and modify protocols as necessary.


隔离 and Precautions for People with COVID-19 | CDC

无论疫苗接种状况如何, you should isolate from others when you have COVID-19.

You should also isolate if you are sick and suspect that you have COVID-19 but do not yet have 测试 结果. If your 结果 are positive, follow the full 隔离的建议 below. If your 结果 are negative, you can end your isolation.

When you have COVID-19, isolation is counted in days, as follows:


  • 第0天是你接受测试的日子 (not the day you received your positive 测试 result)
  • 第一天是第一个全天 在你接受测试的那天之后
  • 如果你发展 症状 在你接受检测后的十天内 clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset


  • 隔离的第0天是症状出现的日子, 不管你什么时候检测呈阳性
  • 第一天是第一个全天 一天过后 症状 开始


如果你的COVID-19检测呈阳性, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home.
你是 likely most infectious during these first 5 days.

  • 穿高品质的衣服 面具 if you must be around others at home and in public.
  • Do not go places where you are unable to wear a 面具. 有关旅行指南,请参阅疾病预防控制中心的指南 旅游网页.
  • 不要旅行.
  • Stay home and separate from others as much as possible.
  • 如果可能的话,使用单独的浴室.
  • 采取措施 改善通风 在家里,如果可能的话.
  • Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils.
  • 监控你的 症状. 如果你有 紧急警告标志 (like trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately.
  • 了解更多网投正规靠谱娱乐平台 如果你得了COVID-19该怎么办.

End isolation based on how serious your COVID-19 症状 were. Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.



如果你有症状 and 你的症状正在好转 You may end isolation after day 5 if:

  • 你是 fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).

Your 症状 are not improving continue to isolate 直到:

  • 你是 fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
  • 你的症状正在好转. 1


Moderate illness (you experienced shortness of breath or had difficulty breathing)

Severe illness (you were hospitalized) or have a weakened immune system

  • 你需要隔离10天.
  • 结束隔离前请咨询医生.
  • Ending isolation without a viral 测试 may not be an option for you.

If you are unsure if your 症状 are moderate or severe or if you have a weakened immune system, talk to a healthcare provider for further guidance.



  • Avoid being around people who are 更有可能因COVID-19而生病.
  • Remember to wear a high-quality 面具 when indoors around others at home and in public.
  • Do not go places where you are unable to wear a 面具 until you are able to discontinue 面具ing (see below).
  • 有关旅行指南,请参阅疾病预防控制中心的指南 旅游网页.

If you have been exposed to a person who 测试ed positive for COVID-19

What to Do If You Were Exposed to COVID-19 | CDC

If you were exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 or have been told by a healthcare provider or public health authority that you were exposed, 以下是你应该采取的步骤, regardless of your vaccination status or if you have had a previous infection. 了解COVID-19是如何传播的 factors that make risk of spread higher or lower.


  • 立即开始注意事项
  • 穿 面具 一旦你发现你被暴露了


  • Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19
  • 第一天是第一个全天 after your last exposure

You can still develop COVID-19 up to 10 days after you have been exposed


  • 穿高品质的衣服 面具 或呼吸器(e.g., N95) any time you are around others inside your home or indoors in public
  • Do not go places where you are unable to wear a 面具. 有关旅行指南,请参阅疾病预防控制中心的指南 旅游网页.

 额外的预防措施 如果你愿意和这样的人在一起 更有可能因COVID-19而生病.




如果您的测试结果是阳性的,请按照 隔离的建议.

进行测试 at least 5 full days after your last exposure

If you already had COVID-19 within the past 90 days, see 具体的测试建议.


  • 在第10天继续采取预防措施
  • 穿高品质的衣服 面具 when around others at home and indoors in public
  • You can still develop COVID-19 up to 10 days after you have been exposed

