
在每一个研究领域, 我们将经验丰富的教授与小班授课相结合,为您提供优势. 探索我们的各种专业,辅修课程和专业预科课程来定义你的成功之路.

  • 会计
  • 会计
  • 应用哲学
  • 生物化学
  • 生物学
  • 企业管理
  • 化学
  • 计算机信息系统
  • 计算机科学
  • 刑事司法
  • 数据科学
  • 经济学
  • 经济学,金融学
  • 教育研究-文化,背景和政策集中
  • 教育研究-教与学专注(中学执照)
  • 基础教育-通识教育 & 专业的研究
  • 英语专业的学生
  • 环境科学
  • 在进行职前培训 探索事工计划
  • 法医科学/生物化学
  • 全球管理
  • 平面设计
  • 健康 & 运动科学
  • 医疗管理
  • 历史专业的学生
  • 人类服务
  • 互动媒体
  • 跨学科研究计划
  • 国际关系
  • 管理资讯系统
  • 营销传播
  • 数学
  • 多媒体新闻
  • 音乐-主修
  • 音乐教育
  • 音乐表演
  • 神经科学
  • 哲学
  • 体育教师教育
  • 物理
  • 物理工程
  • 政治科学
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Athletic培训
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Chiropractic
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Dentistry
  • 在进行职前培训 前期
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-健康项目
  • 在进行职前培训 法律系的
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Medicine
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Nursing
  • 在进行职前培训 职前治疗
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Optometry
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Pharmacy
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Physical疗法
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Physician助理
  • 在进行职前培训 Pre-Veterinary
  • 心理学
  • 宗教主要
  • SC的荣誉
  • 社会正义研究
  • 社会学
  • 西班牙语
  • 体育运动管理
  • 体育交流
  • 戏剧艺术
  • ", "interests": [], "departments": [5], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-business-administration-economics/accounting", "title": "会计", "content": "

    Develop accounting expertise necessary to succeed in your career as well as critical thinking, analysis and communication skills.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [5], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-philosophy/applied-philosophy", "title": "应用哲学", "content": "

    哲学 continues to shape and reshape our world. It's more than an exploration of how to think. It's how to live.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [25], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-chemistry/biochemistry", "title": "生物化学", "content": "

    In addition to coursework, you will enhance and demonstrate your skills in analyzing and presenting scientific concepts.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [7], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-biology-and-environmental-science/biology", "title": "生物学", "content": "

    By studying biology at Simpson, you will gain knowledge and insight both inside and outside of the classroom.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-business-administration-economics/business-management", "title": "企业管理", "content": "

    Studying management at Simpson College will give you the tools needed to be a change maker in your professional career.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [5], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["economics"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-chemistry/chemistry", "title": "化学", "content": "

    Preparing you for graduate study in chemistry, or for diverse areas of employment including labs, science marketing or teaching.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [7], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-computer-science/computer-information", "title": "计算机信息系统", "content": "

    Learn programming skills that will make you sought after in today's tech-savvy marketplace. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [12], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-computer-science/computer-sciences", "title": "计算机科学", "content": "

    Nearly 100 percent of Simpson graduates in computer science find jobs after graduation. You could be next.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [12], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-sociology-criminal-justice/criminal-justice", "title": "刑事司法", "content": "

    Preparing students for a life dedicated to serving their communities.

    ", "interests": [398,402], "departments": [13], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["law enforcement","police officer","sociology"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-mathematics/data-science-Major", "title": "数据科学 ", "content": "

    Draw sound conclusions from data to understand and address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [21], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-business-administration-economics/economics", "title": "经济学", "content": "


    Our economics majors graduate with a competitive advantage because our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of employers and graduate schools.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [5], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["business"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-business-administration-economics/economics-finance", "title": "经济学,金融学", "content": "

    Discover why our success rate is so high in helping our finance graduates get good jobs after graduation. A Simpson degree matters!


    ", "interests": [], "departments": [5], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["business"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-teacher-education/education-studies-culture-context-and-policy-concentration", "title": "教育研究-文化,背景和政策集中", "content": "

    Learn about education broadly as it relates to other liberal arts disciplines in order to develop your own unique perspective of the role of education in a democratic society. Making a change.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [17], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["teaching"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-teacher-education/education-studies-major-teaching-and-learning", "title": "教育研究-教与学专注(中学执照)", "content": "

    Preparing you in the subject you will teach and in the methods and practices of teaching.


    ", "interests": [], "departments": [17], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["teaching"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-teacher-education/elementary-education", "title": "基础教育-通识教育 & 专业的研究", "content": "

    Earn a dual degree to enhance your preparation for the K-6 curriculum.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [17], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["teaching"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-english/english-major", "title": "英语专业的学生", "content": "

    Earn one of the most empowering liberal arts degrees, offering you flexibility to prepare for a wide range of careers or graduate programs.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [18], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["language"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-biology-and-environmental-science", "title": "环境科学", "content": "

    研究 is a key component of environmental science and Simpson offers great opportunities for meaningful, hands-on experiences. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/exploring-ministry-program", "title": "探索事工计划", "content": "

    Helping you begin your journey toward a career in the ministry with course preparation, support and guidance. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-chemistry/forensic-sciencebiochemistry", "title": "法医科学/生物化学", "content": "

    Learn and work beside professional forensic scientists at one of the only schools in Iowa to offer this degree.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [7], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-business-administration-economics/global", "title": "全球管理", "content": "

    全球管理 is the study of business with an international perspective, including politics, culture, history and religion.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [5], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["business","economics"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/graphic-design", "title": "平面设计", "content": "

    Experience the freedom to find and follow your own artistic expression in this quickly growing field, while being guided by experienced faculty.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["arts","web design"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-sport-science-and-health-education/health", "title": "健康 & 运动科学", "content": "

    Begin your path to a career in the health, wellness or fitness sector.  

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["athletic training","health","health science","kinesiology","sport science","sports medicine"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-sport-science-and-health-education/healthcare", "title": "医疗管理", "content": "

    Prepare to assume a leadership role in the healthcare industry.

    ", "interests": [394,396,397,404,409], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["healthcare","healthcare administration"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-history/history-major", "title": "历史专业的学生", "content": "

    By studying history, you understand the past in its own context and gain a better view of the present and future.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [19], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-sociology-criminal-justice/human-services", "title": "人类服务", "content": "

    Address the increasing needs of diverse communities, groups, families and individuals in our society. 

    ", "interests": [405], "departments": [13], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["social work","sociology"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/interdepartmental/interactive-media", "title": "互动媒体", "content": "

    Understand how to combine graphic art, multi-media communication and computer programming to contribute to the growing field of interactive media.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [12,22], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["computer science"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/interdisciplinary-studies-program", "title": "跨学科研究计划", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [20], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-political-science/international-relations", "title": "国际关系", "content": "

    Get inside the minds of world leaders, learn from their decisions and develop skills in global issues and diplomacy.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [27], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["political science"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-computer-science/management-information", "title": "管理资讯系统", "content": "

    Learn how to apply your computer science skills to the business world.


    ", "interests": [], "departments": [12], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["computer science"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/interdepartmental/marketing-communication", "title": "营销传播", "content": "

    Join a program that merges the worlds of business and communication to make yourself a valuable asset in the ever-changing digital landscape.

    ", "interests": [407], "departments": [5,22], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["communications"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-mathematics/mathematics", "title": "数学", "content": "

    With a strong mathematical foundation, your career or graduate school opportunities are wide open. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [21], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-multimedia-communications/multimedia", "title": "多媒体新闻", "content": "

    The ability to speak and write clearly and effectively is a skill that applies to any number of career paths. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [22], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["communications"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-music/music-major", "title": "音乐-主修", "content": "

    If you are interested in pursuing a double major, this degree would be your best choice.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [23], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-music/music-education", "title": "音乐教育", "content": "

    Our music education alumni are continually recognized for their excellence and dedication to teaching and learning. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [23], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["teaching"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-music/music-performance", "title": "音乐表演", "content": "

    Join a program where two-thirds of our alumni are working as professional musicians.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [23], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/interdepartmental/neuroscience", "title": "神经科学", "content": "

    Go right to the source of all human behavior and gain a new understanding of the brain and its functions.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [16,28], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["biology","health","psychology","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-philosophy/philosophy", "title": "哲学", "content": "

    Broaden your mind and develop the skills necessary to succeed in a variety of careers.


    ", "interests": [], "departments": [25], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-sport-science-and-health-education/physical", "title": "体育教师教育", "content": "

    Learn to teach and supervise physical education in the elementary school.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["health education","sport science","sports"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-physics/physics", "title": "物理", "content": "

    Explore the stars, lasers, electricity or conduct research with your professor. Anything is possible.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [26], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-physics/physics-engineering", "title": "物理工程", "content": "

    Explore a major that will give you the tools to tackle any engineering challenge. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [26], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["physics"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-political-science/political-science", "title": "政治科学", "content": "

    Position yourself at Simpson for a front row seat to the American political system in action.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [27], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-athletic-training", "title": "Pre-Athletic培训", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["health education","sport science"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-sport-science-health-education/pre-chiropractic", "title": "Pre-Chiropractic", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","medicine","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-dentistry", "title": "Pre-Dentistry", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","medicine","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/pre-engineering", "title": "前期", "content": "

    Get started on your engineering degree while experiencing the advantages of a liberal arts education.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["physics"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/pre-health-programs-old", "title": "Pre-健康项目", "content": "

    Simpson College can start you on the path toward a rewarding career in a number of healthcare fields.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/pre-law", "title": "法律系的", "content": "

    Preparing you for a career in law, politics, communications, government, lobbying and many other fields. 


    ", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["political science"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-medicine", "title": "Pre-Medicine", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","medicine","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-nursing", "title": "Pre-Nursing", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","medicine","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-sport-science-health-education/pre-occupational-therapy", "title": "职前治疗", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","medicine","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-optometry", "title": "Pre-Optometry", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-pharmacy", "title": "Pre-Pharmacy", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-sport-science-health-education/pre-physical-therapy", "title": "Pre-Physical疗法", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["health education"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-sport-science-health-education/pre-physician-assistant", "title": "Pre-Physician助理", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","health","pre-med","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-biology-environmental-science/pre-veterinary", "title": "Pre-Veterinary", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [16], "eyebrow": "在进行职前培训", "tags": ["biology","sciences"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-psychological-science/psychology", "title": "心理学", "content": "

    Experience a broad educational experience that will contribute to the understanding of self and others.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [28], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-religion/religion-major", "title": "宗教主要", "content": "

    Contribute to a culture of understanding and appreciation while exploring your own beliefs and traditions.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [29], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/sc-honors", "title": "SC的荣誉", "content": "", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/interdepartmental/social-justice-studies", "title": "社会正义研究", "content": "

    Setting you on the path to have a positive impact on the world in which we live.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [], "eyebrow": "", "tags": [], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-sociology-criminal-justice/sociology", "title": "社会学", "content": "

    Immerse yourself in social and moral issues of the day as a way to bring life to theory.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [13], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["sociology"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/department-world-language-culture-studies/spanish", "title": "西班牙语", "content": "

    Become part of a cutting-edge program with global opportunities for communication and engagement with 西班牙语-speaking cultures.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [32], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["culture studies","language","world language"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-sport-science-and-health-education/sport", "title": "体育运动管理", "content": "

    Prepare to assume a leadership role in the sports industry.

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [11], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["sport science"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/interdepartmental/sports-communication", "title": "体育交流", "content": "

    Join one of the first-of-its-kind programs in the Midwest and set yourself on a path to become a sports communication professional.

    ", "interests": [406,407], "departments": [22,11], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["multimedia","sports journalism","sports marketing"], "blacklist": [] },{ "url": "/academics/departments/academics/departments/department-theatre-arts/theatre-arts", "title": "戏剧艺术", "content": "

    Immerse yourself in a professional theatre program, whether it's on stage, back stage or anywhere in between. 

    ", "interests": [], "departments": [30], "eyebrow": "", "tags": ["acting","theater"], "blacklist": [] }]