
Special courses that introduce students to Simpson's academic culture

Taken your first semester on campus, Foundations 1&2 are designed to immerse you in the college's academic culture and introduce you to others new to campus.

Grow personally and intellectually as you transition into the collegiate environment

Foundations is a first-year seminar course that seeks to integrate you into Simpson’s academic culture. Foundations 1 explores issues of well-being and civic engagement, while Foundations 2 explores issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. Both courses are designed to introduce you to campus resources and help you develop the writing and critical thinking skills that are essential for college success. 

Every Foundations section is a small seminar (18 or fewer students) and a learning community. One Simpson student, called an SC Leader, and a Simpson professor—who will serve as your first-year advisor—will help you make the transition from high school to college. You will meet your professor and SC Leader at Simpson Orientation, Advising & Registration (SOAR), where they will help you register for your other fall courses. 

For more information, contact: 

Kedron Barwell, Foundations Director 
Chair and Professor of Psychological Science